Monday, March 21, 2011

Excuse me! You have broccoli in your teeth!!

Today I was on my way home from work, nice and sunny out. While stopped at a red light, I rolled the windows down, and checked my reflection in the mirror. To my horror I had two green sprouts of broccoli hanging out between my two front teeth.

I asked myself some immediate questions as to how this could have happened.

Q: How long had I been walking around with broccoli stuck in my teeth?
A: Since lunchtime when I ordered broccoli and cheese soup ( approx 4-5 hours)

Q: How many people saw it?
A: I work at the courthouse so atleast everybody.

Q: Why did none of my friends/coworkers tell me?
A: ?????

I came up with three of the top reasons why no one informed me that I had broccoli in between my two front teeth

1. They did not see it. (I highly doubt that one, but for the sake of innocence)
2. They were busy working (Highly doubt that one)
3. They could really care less, they are looking for the nearest exit in our conversation to go check their teeth out in the mirror (people can be so vain)

I am going with option number 3!! Why, cause I know I have done it! Ahh the wonders of Karma!!

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